The second product that we would like to highlight in this series is the plastic postcard.

When going through your mail what stands out to you?  Typically it isn’t the bills that you receive, but something that feels different in your hand.  The design catches your attention, and you find yourself learning about a new service, promotion, or business.  You take that card and hang it on your refrigerator because it is something of value to you.

At Mellady Direct marketing, we make sure that everything we produce is of value.  That’s why when Panini Palace in Long Beach, CA was looking to mail out something that would be different, long lasting, and attract new customers to their restaurant, they came to us.

They wanted something that would stand out when received in the mail, something that is different than the typical mail piece, and something that people would keep and refer back to when deciding where to eat.  Upon hearing their vision, we recommended sending a hard plastic postcard that included a perforated corner where a coupon can be removed from.

We updated their logo to ensure that the printing would be clear and accurately represent their brand and curated a mailing list to target people around their restaurant location so as to get them the best result.

Does this sound like something that would be valuable to you and help your business get to where you want it to go? Give us a call at 661-298-9190 or visit  to see how we can create a mailing to bring new business to you!