It’s one of those details you might not think too much about: When you have a multi-piece mailing — say, for example, a cover letter along with a magazine, booklet or catalog — and a regular envelope isn’t the ideal solution, it may make sense to polybag the mail package, placing the pieces together inside a sealed clear plastic wrap. Check out the video below to see how it all comes together when the Mellady Direct Marketing team puts our polybagging machine into action.


When might polybagging make sense?

Depending on the production details of a specific project, clear poly may offer significant cost savings vs. regular paper envelopes. Larger or thicker mail pieces require gusseted envelopes for extra strength, which can drive up costs and slow down the insertion process — perhaps even requiring hand insertion rather than machine inserting. Plastic wrap is effective at protecting large mail pieces, especially bound products. A polybagged mail piece can also take advantage of the visual strengths of your mailed product, as it’s immediately visible to the recipient.  

Seeking solutions for your multi-piece mailing needs? Connect with us today!