You just identified a new market that you feel is going to be highly receptive to your products. However, what might be quite prohibitive is the cost of advertising to this market. The best publications are expensive and it might take months before your ads appear.
In such a case, direct mail marketing gives you the opportunity to test this market, comparatively quickly, at a highly practical cost. One of the most common uses of a marketing database is to generate a list for a direct mail campaign. Of course it also works with purchased lists and gives companies the ability to cater to highly targeted markets.
Here are a few of the primary tools you need to get going with your direct mail marketing campaign:
#1- A Mailing List
Developing a mailing list is not really all about names and numbers. You need to have descriptions of the targets on the list as well. If you are mailing to large audience, let’s say 15,000 people, using Cheshire labels (unglued labels that stick to mailing piece) is a good idea. For smaller quantities, pressure-sensitive labels will also do the job. Cheshire labels require machine application while you can apply pressure-sensitive labels by hand. This job is better left to your direct marketing company.
#2-A mailing piece
Companies often don’t send out brochures to their lists as it can turn out to be quite expensive. You need to come up with a direct mail piece that makes a strong offer to compel the recipient to take action.
What exactly do you want the recipient to do next? Call the toll-free number? Fill out a form and fax it? You can always be clever or cute in your direct marketing efforts but never be too pushy. You also don’t create a direct marketing piece to thoroughly inform. That is a job best left for the brochures. You want action.
#3-A response vehicle
Regardless of the way you want your recipients to respond, make sure you code your mailing. All you need to do is assign each mailing a batch number, such as 09152002: here, 0915 is the month and year, 20 is the identifier for the particular list you mailed from, and 02 is the identifier for the particular offer. Coding will provide you with a simple tool to identify who responded to which offer.
#4-Test Run
Even a small campaign with just a thousand pieces can result in a considerable budget with duplication and mailing costs. Therefore, always consider testing your campaign and checking the results. Most professionals will tell you to test at least 10% of your mailing list, and it is also advisable to identify the response rate that will support your going ahead with the planned major mailing. If you get a response rate that is above 7% from a mass mailing list, you know you have done really well.
These are some important tools you need to generate sales with your direct mail campaign. Get in touch with us at Mellady Direct today to discuss your business marketing needs and learn how we can help you design the perfect direct mail piece.